Monday nights are centered around praise, teaching, sharing stories, and prayer. We gather to love God together as a faith family. This time is central to what it means for us to love God together as a ministry.

Wednesdays are about sharing our lives with each other. We eat dinner at 6p and then have groups for guys and for girls at 7p. Some nights we eat food from local restaurants. Other nights we cook together. Our group conversations are centered around bridging the gap between loving God and loving people.

Fall Retreat is an amazing time! We spend the weekend seeking the Lord and seeking relationships with each other. Our central idea for the weekend usually centers around something central to following Jesus in college or making disciples of Jesus.

Celebration is a youth conference for local churches in our area. We go to serve throughout the weekend in various ways. We set up chairs, fold shirts, take out the trash, run the concession stand, making sure that the students who attend have everything they need to grow in their knowledge and experience of God.

We are headed to Orange Beach just after the new year with hundreds of other college students to give glory and honor to God. This is our yearly conference trip together. Head over the the GCG Facebook page to get a vibe for what the conference is and why you should be stoked to join us.

Spring Retreat is another opportunity for us to draw closer to God and to each other, especially as that pertains to how we impact the world. Spring Retreat is usually centered about being sent into the world for the glory of God and the good of others.